Brightly Done!

FullSizeRender (49)Every now and again I enjoy wearing bright colors together.  For the most part if I am wearing a bright color on top then I’ll pair with a more subtle color on the bottom & vice versa. Today was different.

When I purchased these yellow slacks a year ago, they fit perfectly.  I’ve gained some weight along the way causing them to fit differently. They’re a little snug making them a little shorter.  


Yellow slacks worn to work last year. They sure don’t fit like this anymore.IMG_7073

To cure the “high waters” syndrome, I used 2 hair ties to taper the legs giving them a cropped look. Improvision is the name of the game; after all, I’m no seamstress!

FullSizeRender (48)The Rue 21 statement necklace has become my “go to” piece these past few weeks. It fits perfectly with most solid fits adding color- just right for the summer. I haven’t been shopping in the last few months thus forcing me to practice what I preach of remixing what’s in my current wardrobe. All items worn are from my current wardrobe.

Wear what you have & love them or recycle them.  No need in holding on to items you don’t intend on wearing again & for those items you want to wear, but unsure how to wear them or what to wear them with drop me a line & let’s discuss. Sometimes all it takes is another set of eyes & I have four…(lol) Utilize local consignment shops & clothing donation centers when purging. Remember, just because it’s outdated (purchased years or eons ago) or in this case a little shorter doesn’t make it unwearable. Utilize local drycleaners that provide alteration services, use the DIY method or contact a seamstress.  If you’re in Atlanta, GA you are welcome to use mine, Carolyn Jean Blue who can be reached at 770-905-3771 or

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Items worn:

Blouse: Similar

Slacks: Similar

Shoes: Similar

Clutch: Similar

Statement necklace: Similar

Fuljoy & be blessed!!FullSizeRender (46)

Little Black Dress!

FullSizeRender (38)Having long legs isn’t always a great thing, it’s an AWESOME thing.  At times those legs place restrictions on what I can wear. Because I know my legs are long, tweaking how certain things are worn is a necessity, especially for work.


I decided to wear the little black dress as a shirt with a pair of green & black crop pants, black tuxedo blazer, royal blue pumps & a statement necklace. Had to keep it appropriate for the workplace; having my legs & goodies exposed is not an option. Remember, dressing the part is important.

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These hot temperatures & sunny days inspire bright colors.

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Quick change: flats for Food Truck Thursdays at Brook Run Park, Dunwoody, GA.

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All items worn are from my current wardrobe, merely remixed.  The blazer has made several appearances on the blog & the statement necklace made its debut in the last blog.

Let your clothes work for you & for those pieces that don’t work, let them go.  Need assistance deciding which items to keep, maybe (keep) or toss, email me at or call 404-594-2624.

Items worn:

Boyfriend blazer: Similar

Little black dress: Similar

Crop pants: Similar

Royal blue pumps: Similar

Multi-colored statement necklace: Similar


Slight dilemma!

It’s funny how much my hair dictates what I’ll wear. These last few days I’ve been wearing my hair un-straightened.

Like I said before, your hair is your best accessory & should flow with the fit. I must say, the outfit choice went perfectly with my hair.


Remember your hair along with your make-up are your best accessories. Eyebrow upkeep is part of the make-up process.

Today’s fit is a combination of remixed & new items. The skirt is another hidden gem that has been in my wardrobe for 3 years, yet only worn once.  Why?? Don’t ask because I don’t have an answer.  Although barely been worn, I really like it.  The vest & handbag are new.

 Ran into a slight dilemma trying to decide which shoes to wear.  Both looked good & worked with the fit however, the pumps did it for me. Gave it a more polished look. I’m a sucker for a classic, more polished look.


Both go well. Was almost tempted to wear each one. 🙂

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Although the skirt is light-weight it holds the heat.  I was sweating like a pig, but it was worth it. Side note- I’m ready for fall. I challenged myself to wear more skirts & dresses & that’s what I’m trying to do.


Items worn:

Denim vest: Similar

White tee: Similar

Multi-colored skirt: Similar

Cognac pumps: Exact

Blacksburg handbag: Shoe Dazzle

Multi-colored statement necklace: Similar

Membership required to order with Shoe Dazzle.

Fuljoy & be blessed!!